Identity & Access Management

In today’s cyber environment, organizations are tasked with enforcing user access across multiple platforms.

Privileged Identity Management

Identity Management Solutions & IAM Services:

Identity and Access Management (IAM) recognizes individuals within a system and manages associated user rights. Privileged accounts allow access to the center of the enterprise and IT compliance requirements emphasize privileged password management. When privileged accounts are being used, this may include tracking users and usage. A number of identity management solutions are available for both wired and wireless users.

Sycomp streamlines these solutions and guides organizations in the choice of a privileged identity management system to strengthen your approach to IAM.

Federated Access Management

Automated Enterprise Access Management & (FAM) Solutions

Federated Access Management offers abbreviated, single sign-on access privileges to individual users while maintaining high-security levels. By utilizing an automated sign-on system with fewer login hurdles, organizations recognize lower costs and users are freed from maintaining multiple IDs and passwords. Sycomp establishes continuity in automating enterprise access privilege management so users may share security-rich information with confidence and ease.

As businesses grow and adopt new technologies, the need for centralized access management is also growing greater than ever. Disparate tools result in a loss of productivity, a lack of visibility into end-user behavior and increased complexity in facilitating compliance.– IBM white paper, “Take Back Control of Access Management”

Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Security Solutions:

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) raises the integrity of mission-critical systems by requiring multiple levels of and several methods of authentication. From independent credentials to verifying user identities, MFA significantly reduces the incidence of online fraud and identity theft.

Sycomp implements straightforward, sophisticated MFA strategies for clients around the world to create layered defenses against system compromise.

Like the death of a celebrity from a drug overdose, publicized data loss incidents remind us that we should probably do something about taking better care of our data. But we usually don’t, because we quickly remind ourselves that backups are boring as h***, and that it’s shark week on Discovery. — Nik Cubrilovic (, October 10, 2008)
