Data Security & Encryption

As the cyber environment continues to evolve, organizations must strengthen security safeguards to truly protect sensitive information.

Application Security

Security-minded companies will continually address risks within their applications. Application security raises critical questions including: – Do our current applications have security vulnerabilities? – Where are the vulnerabilities? – What risks are we faced with? Reliable application security and development practices help minimize code vulnerabilities and prevent gaps in security policy, which a hacker can use to steal, distort or delete sensitive data. Through vast experience with these exposures, Sycomp offers testing solutions across an organization’s entire portfolio to reduce security costs and pinpoint security vulnerabilities before an application is breached.

Because everything is an application these days, making the definition of application security quite broad. Vulnerabilities can metastasize anywhere in an app—from the client to the application server, to the back end—making for a huge threat surface.”Should Application Security Become its Own Discipline?” By David Holmes in February 29, 2016 Security Week

Email Security

Email Security, Hosted Email, & Web Security:

Most viruses infecting systems arrive by email, the breeding ground for malware, Email security is a high priority in every business, and supportive user behavior that avoids phishing scams and social media platform risks is critical to keeping email channels secure. 

Sycomp develops robust solutions, including hosted email and web security, to ensure organizations adhere to sound security practices and users follow safe security guidelines.


Encryption Solutions & Data Security Services:

Encryption is critical to secure sensitive data. Even if a hacker gains access to a system, an encrypted file can only be read with access to an encrypted key. Implementing an encryption solution requires specific knowledge and experience.

Sycomp evaluates encryption needs, then simplifies and strengthens security strategies to protect information, as well as comply with industry and regulatory requirements.
